Even though most women will have an ovarian cyst at some point in their life, most won't experience any symptoms. However, for those that do, cysts can be painful and cause the body to change, as well as make pregnancy more difficult. Finding the right treatment is the only option for women suffering from ovarian cysts.
The only way to find out if you truly have a cyst is to visit your doctor. There are a few tests they can conduct but most likely you'll receive an ultrasound of the ovaries. If you do have a cyst the next step is treatment.
Most doctors will prescribe some type of hormonal pill for the treatment of ovarian cysts, but this does little to combat the actual problem and usually just masks the pain. The other option is surgery. The main problem with surgery is that only the cysts currently visible on the ovaries can be removed and surgery won't prevent more cysts from developing in the future.
Opting for a more natural treatment of ovarian cysts is not only cheaper; it's easier on the body. A good way to relieve the pain and get some immediate comfort is to sit down to a relaxing cup of herbal tea and use a heating pad on the pelvic area. Also, avoid wearing any clothes that are too tight on the pelvic area, because reducing pressure on your bladder is the key to finding comfort.
Another natural treatment for cysts is good old fashioned fiber. Constipation is never fun, and just like excess pressure on your bladder causes discomfort, having a backed up colon will cause you major pain. Constipation can actually worsen a cyst, so to avoid this try getting as much fiber intake as possible. Great sources of fiber that your body can easily digest are found in fruits and vegetables.