Ovarian cyst Treatment - The Natural Approach to Treating a Cyst on Ovaries

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ovarian cysts can form on the interior or the exterior of the ovaries. These fluid-filled sacs form part of a normal menstrual cycle and usually disappear on their own. However, if they enlarge or remain in or on the ovaries, they can cause pain and other symptoms. This article will discuss some natural methods of ovarian cyst treatment.

Alternative ovarian cyst treatment focuses on preventing the causes of cysts. When choosing an alternative health professional, it would be best to seek a woman practitioner who has experience in dealing with reproductive complications. Problem cysts can be the result of a range of reasons that include stress, hormonal imbalances, and physical and emotional health.

The holistic approach to preventative ovarian treatment usually includes nutritional and dietary changes, exercise, herbal supplementation, and mind/body techniques to reduce stress levels. Treatment methods for existing cysts may include homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, Ayurveda, or Chinese medicine.

From a dietary perspective, you will be advised to cut out alcohol and caffeine. Also reduce the intake of all sugars (including maple syrup and honey), and eliminate refined starches like white bread. To achieve maximum benefits from a natural ovarian cyst treatment, replace these with foods that are rich in carotenoids and Vitamin A.

You will find these in tomatoes, carrots and salad greens. Include other foods that are high in the B complex of vitamins. These include whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, green vegetables, eggs, chili peppers, red meat, liver, tuna and turkey. Often a simple change in nutrition can be an effective ovarian cyst treatment.