Ovarian cysts Symptoms - Sometimes the Signs of an Ovarian cyst Go Unnoticed

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Did you recently experience some pain and discomfort in your body? Did you suspect that something might not be quite right? Know that ovarian cysts symptoms are often very subtle and can, at times, go unnoticed.

Cysts on the ovaries are much more common then many women even realize. Fortunately, ninety five percent of all ovarian cysts are not at all cancerous. And some can and will go away on their own without direct medical treatment. And understand that having a cyst is really nothing particularly serious, know that ovarian cysts symptoms are primarily pain and discomfort. But they also disrupt your life and can cause you some fear and worry.

The most common type of cyst is called a "functional" cyst. During a normal monthly cycle, a woman's ovary produces an egg designed to be fertilized by the male sperm to create a baby. The ovaries, which are located on either side of the pelvis, also produce hormones that regulate the pregnancy and the monthly menstrual cycle.

Occasionally, during this process things go awry and a cyst develops. A functional cyst can develop in one of two ways. A "follicular cyst" develops when the sac that holds the egg and a normal amount of fluid produces more than normal fluid, becomes excessively large and does not release the egg as it should. Follicular cysts usually go away in a matter of weeks and cause minimal ovarian cysts symptoms.

A "corpus luteum cyst," on the other hand, occurs after the release of the egg. In this case, the follicle that contained the egg, known as the corpus luteum, does not dissolve as usual, fills with fluid and becomes an ovarian cyst. This type of cyst also has minimal symptoms and usually dissolves on its own, in time by making small changes in your lifestyle.

On occasion, a functional cyst grows larger than normal and begins to produce symptoms. Ovarian cysts symptoms usually include pain in the pelvic region and the abdomen. When a cyst grows large enough, it can increase pressure in the area which can cause pain, bloating, bladder problems, constipation and back pain.

Menstrual irregularities are a common symptom of an ovarian cyst. A constant, dull ache in the lower back and thigh area is as well. Pain often begins just before your period starts or in some cases right before it ends.

Some women experience pain during intercourse and bowel movements. A feeling of pressure and fullness in the abdomen or rectum is also common. In some cases, nausea, vomiting and breast tenderness may also happen to you.

If you begin to experience ovarian cysts symptoms it is a good time to become proactive to help your body cope naturally. If your symptoms are extreme or continuous, do have a doctor diagnose your condition. In the meantime, there are many steps you can take at home to help correct the problem and avoid future cysts from developing.

Cysts often occur as a result of a hormone imbalance that is brought on by stress, poor diet and a buildup of environmental toxins in the body. Making an effort to minimize stress and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet are just two of the things you can do to help keep your hormone levels balanced.

Ovarian cysts symptoms can not only be painful, but they can disrupt your life and sense of well being, not to mention cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety. By restoring your hormones to their appropriate levels, you will greatly improve your health. This will also help you avoid another ovarian cyst in the future.