Ovarian cysts and Pregnancy

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It may come as a relief to pregnant women everywhere that ovarian cysts do not pose any major health issues to women or their babies. Actually, it's a very common occurrence during pregnancy. Even more comforting is the fact that there are no documented instances of ovarian cysts disturbing a routine pregnancy.

Every 1,000 pregnancies will have an ovarian cyst, but only 1 out of 25,000 will turn into ovarian cancer. What these statistics mean is that most of these cysts are harmless. Benign cysts, with their thin walls and harmless fluid, pose no danger unless they start growing to uncomfortable sizes and rupture. This condition rarely disturbs a normal pregnancy, so most doctors choose to monitor the situation and wait for the cysts to disappear on their own.

An ovarian cyst that ruptures can be dangerous to pregnant women, as can cancerous ones. The pain accompanying the rupture is bad enough to launch the woman into early labor or even a miscarriage. Fortunately, pain relievers don't cause any harm to the fetus and can be used by the mother.

If cysts growing on stems get twisted, they can cause horrible pain and, usually, require surgical removal. Cysts measuring 6cm to 8cm put pressure on body organs, especially the bowels and bladder. Not only are these very uncomfortable but they're also likely to rupture. That's why doctors typically choose to remove them.

Some symptoms caused by ovarian cysts are a lot like pregnancy symptoms. Doctors want to insure that all of the symptoms displayed by pregnant women are due to pregnancy rather than ovarian cysts. Most women are never aware that they have any ovarian cysts, as there are rarely symptoms. However, pregnant women will have the same sort of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and queasiness that some ovarian cysts can cause. Only a physical examination can detect which is which.

If a pregnant woman has an ovarian cyst, her doctor will order various tests to insure that it's not malignant. There's really nothing to worry about, though. The majority of ovarian cysts that occur during pregnancy are benign. Any unpleasant symptoms can be treated through effective remedies that will not harm the baby and will make the mother feel better.