Large Ovarian cysts How To Prevent These Ovarian cysts From Developing In Your Body

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How Ovarian cysts Form In Your Body

Many women of childbearing age experience small ovarian cysts from time to time. Large ovarian cysts are less common but can be painful and should be treated by a physician. There are many different types of cysts but most ovarian cysts form around the time of ovulation. Under normal circumstances, the ovary releases an egg from a follicle for fertilization. The follicle then dissolves and the process is complete until the following month.

An ovarian cyst can form when either the egg is not released or the follicle does not dissolve but instead becomes filled with fluid. These are known as functional cysts and often go away on their own within weeks or several months. Occasionally they do not go away and continue to fill with fluid until they become large ovarian cysts.

When Ovarian cysts Grow In Size They Can Cause Extreme Pain and Discomfort

The ovaries are only about the size of a walnut. Small cysts are the size of a pea and are easy to go unnoticed. Small cysts may not cause any discomfort whatsoever to alert you to their existence. Large ovarian cysts on the other hand can be extremely painful. As they grow, they begin to take up too much space and this causes pain and pressure. Large ovarian cysts can also rupture. Although functional cysts are rarely cancerous they can be very painful and taking steps to eliminate them are necessary.

To diminish your risk of developing cysts of any size it is helpful to understand the underlying cause of ovarian cysts. Then you can take steps to minimize your risk of developing cysts in the first place or help any that do develop dissolve quickly. Large ovarian cysts can develop when a small cyst goes unnoticed or does not dissolve on its own. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk.

Research Shows A Connection Between Hormonal Levels, Stress and Poor Diet to The Development Of Ovarian cysts

Research supports the idea that there is a correlation between the hormone levels in a woman's body and the likelihood of ovarian cyst development. That is why many medical doctors often recommend prescription hormones for the treatment of ovarian cysts as they help stabilize hormone levels and keep them stable. However, there are undesirable risks and side effects when taking hormones and they only treat the symptoms.

Research has also found a correlation between stress, diet, obesity, and hormonal imbalances that can cause the development of large ovarian cysts. Taking a holistic approach to dealing with an ovarian cyst will address the underlying cause of the problem and be of benefit for the long term.

Steps Your Can Take On Your Own To Shrink Your Ovarian Cyst In Size

If you have been diagnosed with a cyst, do discuss your treatment with your doctor but begin taking steps at home to support your body's ability to remedy the situation on its own.

Take steps to reduce the stress in your life. Adding relaxation techniques and exercise to your daily routine will help counteract stress that you cannot avoid. Add plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables to your diet as well as whole grains, legumes, and lean protein.

Avoid sugar, white flour, processed foods, fast foods, unhealthy fats, alcohol, and caffeine as they have been shown to cause hormonal imbalances. Add a vitamin and mineral supplement. This is only the beginning of the many steps you can take at home to help eliminate large ovarian cysts from developing.