The causes of ovarian cysts are numerous. Every month during a typical menstrual cycle, the ovaries produce follicles which resemble cysts in structure. The follicles produce the estrogen and progesterone hormones that may be necessary during pregnancy. Common causes of ovarian cysts occurs when a follicle keeps growing beyond its normal time period and becomes an cyst. Follicular cysts are the most common type of cysts that develop. They are usually harmless and there are few if any symptoms. They will normally disappear just as they appeared on their own. Normal causes of ovarian cysts affecting the follicles take place when the pituitary gland releases hormones to trigger the release of an egg which in fact does not occur. Rather, the follicle continues to grow and develop into a cyst. Some normal causes of ovarian cyst can be attributed to when the luteinizing hormone surges and an egg is released. Upon the release of the egg, the ruptured follicle produces estrogen and progesterone in order to prepare for possible conception. At this point, the follicle is now called the corpus luteum. What happens next is that the egg seals off and fluid accumulates inside the follicle causing the corpus luteum to expand and become a cyst. A corpus luteum cyst will typically disappear on its own without any treatment, although it could grow to 4 inches in diameter during just a period of a few weeks. It could also bleed internally or twist an ovary. If the corpus luteum cyst ruptures this can cause internal bleeding in addition to sudden sharp or severe pain. The drug clomiphene citrate is a fertility drug that works to induce ovulation, and might in itself, be among the causes of ovarian cysts. Clomiphene citrate is in fact known to increase the risk of developing a corpus luteum cyst (which does not prevent or threaten pregnancy), and therefore probably causes other cysts as well. Some cysts, such as hemorrhagic or endometrioid cysts develop like other cysts but are classified as such because they contain blood. This blood can result from injury or from the leakage of blood vessels into the egg sac. Causes of ovarian cysts forming in the endometrial tissue include bleeding and sloughing off of endometrial tissue that transplants itself in the ovaries. Blood eventually builds up, rupturing and causing pelvic pain. As the secretion of hormones that are a natural function of the body can often be the cause of ovarian cysts, it is impossible to completely prevent the ovarian cysts from developing. With this said, you can minimize the chances of problems developing by getting more exercise, decreasing stress, eating healthy food options, and making an effort to improve your general health.