Ovarian cysts and Visualization - Practical Exercise to Get Started and Conquer Any Type of Cysts

Friday, May 11, 2012

I have previously written on this particular subject before and as I explained, visualization is definitely something worth investigating. You will be surprised.

You see, visualization or imagery has been used for centuries to help get rid of physical and psychological ailments. It is often associated with hypnosis, which is also a very effective method to get rid of ovarian cysts.

Now, visualization can be learnt and should be learnt, to be blunt and honest. The good news is that there are easy guidelines and tips that can help you do it correctly. The bad news is that far too many people give it a try, and give up shortly afterwards because they didn't get the results they wanted in a couple of sessions. Just like with everything else, visualization demands persistence but once you have mastered it (and frankly, it isn't hard at all), you'll be glad you never gave up.

Just imagine yourself free of the pain and discomfort in a few weeks! Just picture yourself radiant and not having to fork out lots of money for medication that ultimately won't produce long-term results. How about not having to risk surgery or end up suffering from medication side effects?

Well, how does it feel? Good?

That's it! You have just experienced your first conscious visualization session.

Now, let's apply ourselves a bit more, shall we?

1- OK, first things first; I want you to sit or lie down somewhere quiet where no one is going to come and bother you. Close your eyes and start breathing slowly, in and out, in and out until you feel deeply relaxed. Take your time, this is not a race. Forget about any worries you may have right now and concentrate on your breathing for the next ten minutes or so. This exercise will become easier and easier as you practice it daily.

2- Let's move onto the next step. Once you feel good, quiet and relaxed, I want you to start visualizing your cysts. If you have never seen a picture of one, just imagine a lump that's attached to your ovary. Visualizing is not always easy but don't sweat over it. Just take your time. If imagining your ovarian cyst is too difficult for you, feel free to replace it by some kind of symbol. This exercise is about freeing yourself so once again, no need to stress about it.

3- Next, once you have created a good picture of your cyst, give it some colour as well as a size and a shape. Imagine what it can be like inside this lump and if you want to, you can even imagine yourself touching it! Do not be afraid to experiment with it if you want. This step is really about getting to know it and its effect on your health.

4- Finally, once you really feel like you have finally "met" your ovarian cyst, I want you to start counting backwards in your head. Start with 20 and gradually move to 10. At the same time, you should picture your cyst decreasing in size. Once you have reached 10, stop for 1 or 2 minutes. Carry on the deep breathing throughout the exercise and after a short while start counting backwards again until you reach zero.

5- By the time you get there, your cyst should no longer exist in your mind. You should now imagine yourself totally free from any pain related to your condition. Carry on the breathing and do some gentle stretching moves. Open your eyes and you can get back into your routine.

Again, this little exercise can help you eradicate any type of pain associated with your ovarian cysts but more importantly, when done once or twice a day, the power of your imagination can eliminate your condition for good within weeks!