Ovarian cysts Information

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ovarian cysts are developed in a womans ovaries. It looks like small sacs filled with fluid. Most of these cysts are harmless. But there are some that causes problems like bleeding and sudden ruptures. One of the most effective ways to get rid of an ovarian cyst is to have a surgery.

Cysts are common during a womans childbearing years, the time when they dont take any pills. Cystic formations are usually crucial when there is a developed egg released afterwards. The cysts then form a general ovarian function, often physiological.

On the normal twenty eight days cycle, the first half is when the maturing egg is carried to the ovarys surface called follicles. The follicle transports the egg and carries the estrogen, a hormone that stimulates the uterine lining growth. In the ovulation process, the follicle may be compared with the olive. When the follicle ruptures, the egg is released. Blood replaces the clear follicular fluid following a rupture. Progesterone is secreted afterwards, followed by the formation of a yellow substance.

If during this period, pregnancy does not occur, this yellow colored substance is scarred. This cystic structure is now called corpus luteum, often very small. The physiological structures that have been carried away will then be filled with follicular fluid or blood. This may have the tiny plums size. There will be pain caused by cysts. The side effect of this is irregular menstruation cycle. These cysts may cause a leak or twist the ovary.

Another type of cyst is the pathological ovarian cysts. These are cysts occurring outside ovulation. They are commonly termed as tumors. These tumors are divided into two categories: malignant or benign. These cysts consist of two various types. There are pathological cysts that have mucous. This has old blood on it. These are usually common in young woman. These woman bears array of tissues in manner that is not in order. These tissues are in the fat, bone, hair, teeth or thyroid gland. One drawback of this cyst is it has no regression on their part.

Ovarian cysts can be inflicted on women of any age. They may be considered as functional cysts or physiologic cysts by doctors. This means that they are related to diseases by no means. Most of the ovarian cysts are considered benign. This means that they are non cancerous. Many of these kinds disappear within a couple of weeks. This usually happens to women in childbearing years.

These ovarian cysts are classified only into two: cancerous and non cancerous. When ovarian cancer occurs, it always has the presence of ovarian cysts in it. But these ovarian cysts represent harmless condition. They are at the normal process. Other types of the ovarian cysts are follicular cyst, hemorrhagic, luteum, and dermoid.

Cysts are usually cured on a holistic approach. Besides this, of course women should follow the right diet, exercise regularly and improve their overall health. It is also helpful to control chronic stress. There are also supplements you can take daily to help improve your hormonal system.

Women are advised to undergo regular examinations and checkups to be able to detect early such sicknesses. There are available in any clinics pelvic exams, pelvic ultrasounds and laparoscopy.