I suffered from terrible symptoms related to my ovarian cysts and eventually found ovarian cyst pain relief from a rather unexpected source! As someone who used to look disdainfully at so-called "natural treatments", always preferring to visit my doctor, I am now their biggest advocate!
Three years ago, I began to suffer from dreadful throbbing pains in my right side. It always seemed to coincide with my menstrual cycle and at times, it would be so bad that I would be bent double in agony. I'd never felt pain like it.
I remember one day when I was working and I had actually fainted. The pain was so bad, I eventually came round, sweating and with blue lips. My young son had nearly dialled 911. Then followed the endless appointments with doctors until a scan revealed that I had a cyst on my right ovary. They decided they would keep an eye on it and that surgery was certainly an option. I asked what my options were for ovarian cyst pain relief and was told to take painkillers, and use a heat pad. However, a "friend of a friend" heard about my problem and mentioned that she had used a natural system to relieve her ovarian cyst pain.
Of course, me being me, I was very skeptical at the time but having said that, I would have tried anything. If they'd have told me that running naked along the high street would have worked, I'd have even contemplated that at my lowest points!
She sent me a copy of the system she used and after I began following it, my menstral cycle came completely into line. Prior to that, it had been all over the place. From that point, although I had some ovarian cyst pain, it was nothing like it had been and I certainly never fainted again. Over the next year, the constant "throbbing" I'd had disappeared and all my other symptoms gradually subsided.
Today, the cyst has gone completely and this has been confirmed by a scan.
There are a few simple measures I used whilst undergoing the treatment for natural ovarian cyst pain relief, you may find these useful too,
* Heat is a great pain therapy-try using a heat pad or hot water bottle on the abdomen. A warm bath works well too * Gentle massage on the affected side can help * Avoid wearing tight clothes which constrict the area. I used to wear jeans all the time and noticed a huge difference when I wore looser clothes * Try eating natural diuretics, such as parsley as these are thought to help
With ovarian cysts, it is important to understand that their formation is due to a number of factors and eliminating these is the key to finding a cure.
It is vital to remember that as with most natural approaches, there is not one single treatment which will form a cure although each small positive step you take will begin to relieve you of the symptoms. Natural remedies tend to focus on treating the whole person and eliminating all the possible causes which means that the root cause is eliminated.